MAUSA Emergency Fund 2021
MAUSA Emergency Fund 2021
Magar Association USA Inc. is the second home of Magars in USA. This regulation sets forth responsibilities and procedures on financial support of members and their family members of Magar Association USA Inc. This regulation is designed and passed by Central Executive Committee to improve procedures for enforcing financial support.
The name of the regulation shall be “MAUSA Emergency Fund Regulation 2021”. In abbreviation, it shall be known as “EFR2021”.
MAUSA Emergency Fund will have its official website to spread its activities and objectives. The URL of the Association is: and E-mail address is: ……
To help and support of members and their family members of Magar Association USA Inc.
- This regulation applies to-
- The prevailing Life Members or General Members of Magar Association USA, Inc. prior to 35 days or more of any incident.
- Life or General Members who are residing in United States.
- Family member of Members who are residing in United States or outside United States.
- Only Death of Members and prescribed Medical cases of Members.
- Pay Back financial support to life members by agreement.
- Emergency Fund Committee:
- Emergency Fund shall have seven members of Committee, consisting Co-Ordinator of Emergency Fund and six members. Committee shall be called Emergency Fund Committee.
- Central Executive Board Meeting, consisting Advisory Board shall elect, nominate or appoint Emergency Fund Committee Co-Ordinator and Members for 3 years term. Emergency Fund Committee Co-Ordinator and Members shall be endorsed by National General Convention for each and every term. Failure to endorsed shall be terminated by default.
- To be a Member of the Emergency Fund Committee, such a person must have a legal permanent residency of USA and life membership of Magar Association USA Inc.
- To be a Co-Ordinator of the Emergency Fund Committee, such a person must have a legal residency of USA and Life Membership of Magar Association USA Inc. Such a person should no hold any position to Magar Association USA Inc. and other organization.
- Committee shall collect fund from each Life Member as Central Executive Board Resolution.
- Decision on an appropriate amount and timing of fund to be made available to a needy individual or family shall only be made by
unanimous vote by the Emergency Fund Committee, including other provisions specified in the MAUSA Emergency Fund Regulation.
- Duties and Responsibilities of the Emergency Fund Committee
- Emergency Fund Committee shall be formed or appointed by Central Executive Committee. The Emergency Fund Committee is responsible to:
- Prepare goals and an action plan for the term with details of the Emergency Fund.
- Implement, monitor and follow-up the program established by Emergency Fund.
- Execute directions, future strategies and plans of the Fund put forward by the Central Executive Committee and National General Convention.
- Execute decisions made by Emergency Fund Committee and the Central Executive Committee.
- Hire staffs and assign their duties, responsibilities and rights.
- Manage and prepare financial reports, for meetings and submit to Central Executive Committee.
- Work in accordance with the Regulation of the Emergency Fund.
- Fulfill the mission and the objectives of the Emergency Fund.
- Organize main events of the Emergency Fund.
- Prepare amendments of the Regulation of the Emergency Fund and submit to Central Executive Committee.
- Help, direct, observe and supervise concern members about financial help.
- Participate every Central Committee Program.
- Recommend to the Central Committee, another member to a vacant post if necessary.
- MAUSA Emergency Fund Committee does not have any authority to approve exceptions to this regulation.
- Emergency Committee shall have the right to collect information of the Applicant and concerned member.
- Duties / Responsibilities of Co-Ordinator
- Co-Ordinator is responsible to:
- Provide an overall leadership for committee of the Emergency
- Call, preside at all meetings of the Emergency Fund;
- Manage and form task forces to process application, investigate and follow-up concerned applicant;
- Collaborate with other members to prepare reports and records of the Emergency Fund;
- Act as the official representative of the Emergency Fund.
- Duties / Responsibilities of Members
- Members are responsible to:
- collect dues from the Chapter Committees and Life Members;
- keep record of all members;
- receive and give the receipts for moneys due and payable to the Association from any source;
- Deposit all money in Fund’s Bank Account
- write checks and disburse funds to proper applicant. However, funds may not be drawn from the Emergency Fund’s accounts without the approval of the Committee resolution;
- prepare monthly report of the Emergency Fund’s financial transactions; be prepared to offer financial records, bank books, voucher’s, etc. of the Emergency Fund for review, upon requests from audit committee formed by Central Executive Committee.
- Co-ordinate and Prepare plan to raise fund of the Emergency Fund.
- All the work co-ordinate by Co-Ordinator.
- Resignation
- Any member may resign by filing a written resignation with their Post and it must be approved by the Central Executive Committee; however, the resignation does not relieve any member from liability for dues or assessments accrued and unpaid as of the date of resignation.
- Financial Management:-
- MAUSA Emergency Fund shall have own Bank Account and operates with authorized signatures of 3(three) members including the Co-Ordinator and any two members of the Emergency Fund Committee. Signature of Co-Ordinator shall be mandatory.
- Past Emergency Fund Committee member shall hand over all financial documents and property to newly elected, nominated or appointed committee member within one week.
- Emergency Fund Committee shall submit financial report every two months to Central Executive Committee.
- Life membership fees, donations, sales of publications, fees collected from events shall be income of Emergency Fund.
- Financial accounts of a Emergency Fund shall be reviewed and audited by Audit Committee appointed or formed by the Central Executive Committee and such financial report shall be submitted to the Central Executive Committee.
- Fund Distribution to General Members
- In the death case of General Member with any incident those aspired member’s nearest family member shall be provided financial support of $15,000.00 (Fifteen Thousand Dollar)
- In the medical case of General Member shall have some conditions of financial support.
- If there is condition, the member patient is hospitalized and regular on the bed prior to 30 days or more, approved by Doctor, shall be provided $3,000.00 (Three Thousand Dollar).
- If there is condition, the member patient is affected by Chronic Disease which not curable and he/she can not work, shall be provided $7,000.00 (Seven Thousand Dollar)
- If there is condition, ……………
- Fund Distribution to Life Members
- In the death case of Life Member with any incident those aspired member’s nearest family member shall be provided financial support of $20,000.00 (Twenty Thousand Dollar)
- In the medical case of General Member shall have some conditions of financial support.
- If, there is condition, the member patient is hospitalized and regular on the bed prior to 30 days or more, approved by doctor, shall be provided $4,000.00 (Four Thousand Dollar).
- If, there is condition, the member patient is affected by Chronic Disease which not curable and he/she cannot work, shall be provided $8,000.00 (Eight Thousand Dollar)
- If, there is condition, ………………….
- If, according to 8(b) or 9(b) fund have been already distributed to the member and member patient has still same condition, in this condition he/she cannot get same type of benefit until 10 years.
- If, according to 8(b) or 9(b) fund have been already distributed to the member and member patient died in-between six month, in this condition, family member will get remaining sum after deducting 8(b) or 9(b) fund. Time shall be calculated from approval date by Emergency Fund Committee.
- Financial accounts of a Emergency Fund shall be reviewed and
audited by Audit Committee appointed or formed by the
Central Executive Committee and such financial report shall
be submitted to the Central Executive Committee.
- Family Member
- Family members are those who are connected with concerned member, those are: husband, wife, son, daughter, father and mother.
- Pay Back financial support to members by agreement
- Procedure of Application
- Application for financial support shall be submitted to the respective Chapter Committee by the respective member or member’s family.
- Chapter Committee must verify and forward the application to Emergency Fund Committee with document of proof herein below-
- Proof of membership, Date of Membership, Life Membership or General Membership of Applicant;
- Proof of Address
- Proof of incident; death, hospitalization or Health Report by Doctor
- Proof of family member
- Emergency Fund Committee shall have the right to ask further proof or document to the Applicant or concerned member.
- Emergency Fund Committee have to request with Central Executive Committee to recheck or verify respective membership detail of the Applicant or concerned member.
- After verification of membership detail of the Applicant or concerned member, Emergency Fund Committee shall review application and document of proof. If all of proof based on regulation is fulfill, Fund Committee shall decide to provide appropriate amount of fund as Emergency Fund Regulation. If there is partial proof, Fund Committee shall ask for further proof or investigate.
- Meetings:
- All meetings shall be presided over by the coordinator in his/her absence, by the Senior member of the Emergency Fund Committee.
- All Members of Emergency Fund shall attend all meetings. Any members who fails to attend three consecutive meetings without prior notification shall be subject to expulsion from his/her office at the discretion of other members of the committee.
- No compensation shall be paid to any members of the Emergency Fund Committee members for their services. And, no loans shall be made by the Emergency Fund.
- Any materials deliberated during any meetings shall be passed by a simple majority of the members of committee
- Minute books remain with the Acting Secretary of Emergency Fund Committee.
- A quorum must be attended by at least three fourth members of the Committee before business can be transacted or motions be made or passed. If the quorum could not be met in two consecutive meetings, the following meeting should assume the number of present members as the quorum.
- Resignation
- Members can file their resignation to the coordinator of the Emergency Fund Committee. And coordinator can file his/her resignation to the Central Executive Committee. All resignation letters shall be forwarded to the Central Executive Committee. The Central Executive Committee shall notify its decision to the officer who resigned within 30 days from the date of the filing.
- Seal
- The seal shall have inscribed thereon the name of the Emergency Fund, the place and year of incorporation, which will be affixed to all documents issued by or under its authority.
- Dissolution
- Emergency Fund Committee shall call a special meeting with the Central Executive committee and request from a two thirds majority of the members to deliberate on “dissolution” of the Emergency Fund Committee. After the deliberation the Central Executive Committee shall announce the dissolution of the Emergency Fund Committee. The last Emergency Fund Committee must hand over all records, papers, correspondences, bank account, cash and all documents related to the Emergency Fund to the Central Executive Committee of the Magar USA. The dissolution of the Emergency Fund Committee will not relieve the coordinator and member from ongoing and future inquiries and investigations of fraudulent activities of the last committee.
Approved by the Central Executive Committee Meeting held on date of ………………. , NY, USA.